GTI Graphic Technology Inc.

211 Dupont Avenue PO Box 3138Newburgh, NY 12550
845-562-7066 845-562-2543

Color Viewing Stations

Tight Controls for Optimized Viewing

GTI’s LED color viewing stations conform to the ISO 3664 standard. Due to our commitment to the ISO standard and guaranteed quality, our Graphiclite viewing solutions have developed a reputation for unparalleled excellence.

All viewing solutions utilize GTI’s Graphiclite lamps to produce superior light evenness, excellent rear wall illumination, and enhanced energy efficiency. All products are available with D50 LED or fluorescent lamps.

CVX Color Viewing Stations and EVS Executive Viewing Stations combine D5000 accuracy and consistency with sturdy construction and attractive design. CVX and EVS viewing stations are available with a variety of storage options and configurations, including flat and deep file storage drawers. These viewing stations are the perfect choice for prepress studios, agencies, publishers, offices, and production environments.

The VPI Vertical Print Inspector is a specially designed D50 viewing station for the controlled color inspection of large format digital images. With the VPI the observer can stand at a comfortable distance and view the entire image.